Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pictures form Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike leaves a path of destruction for those in South Texas.  For those of you keeping up with the latest news around here... gas prices are on the rise again and we are seeing gas stations run out of gas on a regular basis. With no electricity in many parts of the surrounding area and Houston, people are traveling to College Station to buy supplies and much needed gas. Isn't it alarming how much we do relies on the need for electricity. You can't pump gas without it, you can't get money without it, you can't buy groceries without it, so what are people to do? I think the most helpful thing we can do is to keep our cool, help out where we can, volunteer in your local church as we do, bring food or gas to a loved one who lives in the affected areas and remember that we are not alone in a crisis. Here a K Norwood Portraiture we are trying to do our part by also conserving gas when we can and staying in touch with loved ones to be there at a moment's notice. If we can help out in anyway, please let us know.

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